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Join in the fun - Volunteer with us today!

If you have questions please contact Sara Smith and Pinky Langdon

Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Hometown Christmas Parade. Your support is critical to the success of the event and is very much appreciated.

NOTE: All volunteers will be on their feet and in the sun for the duration of the shift, please be prepared. Also note that many positions require walking the mile-long parade route. To volunteer you must be 13 years old or older; some positions must be 18 years or older. Volunteer check-in tables will be set up at the Staging and De-staging areas.


While you may make a request to work with other individuals, we cannot guarantee who you will be assigned with as we have many individuals we are working with for this event.  We will do our best to accommodate your request. You will be contacted as the event gets closer to confirm your position and provide additional details on parking, where to go and when to arrive.

The volunteer meeting will take place on 

Wednesday, December 11th 2024 at 6:00PM 

Video Call on Zoom - Information to be sent out.

Volunteer Form
Volunteer Type
Volunteer Area

Volunteer Agreement:

Yes, I hereby certify that every statement I have made in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Hold Harmless Agreement: I hereby release and forever discharge Hometown Christmas Parade, Goosebump Marketing & Events, and any and all other person, firms, or corporations who are or might be liable, from any and all claims of any kind or character which I have or may have against it or them, including transportation to or from any portion of this program, and in that regard, I covenant to indembify and hold harmless the foregoing from any loss or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees which may be by them incurred in the event of any such claims are asswerted against them or any of them. Media Release Goosebump Marketing & Events and Hometown Christmas Parade are held is permissible (unless indicated otherwise in writing by the participant) to record ones likeliness and or voice for use by television, film, radio, or print media to furtherthe aims of programs in related campaigns and magazine articles, booklets, posters and in other ways they may see fit. Sexual Abuse Policy Agreement: Goosebump Marketing & Events does not tolerate any act by its volunteers that would constitute sexual abuse under state or federal laws that is committed on event property or while a volunteer is on-duty. Any volunteer who commits sexual abust will lose his or her status as a volunteer. All allegations of sexual abuse committed on property or while on-duty as a volunteer will be promptly be reported to the supervisor and to the appropriate authorities, as designed by statute. If the appropriate authorities decline to investigate the allegations, Hometown Christmas Parade may conduct an independent investigation. By checking the box to the left, I acknowledge that I ahve read, understand, and will abide by the City where the event takes places, sexual abuse policy. Volunteer Agreement: I understand and agree that I am providing volunteer services hours for civic, charitable, or humanitarian reasons, without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation for services rendered. I am offering my services freely and without pressure or coercion; and am not otherwise employed to perform the same type of service as those for which I will be volunteering. I agree to abide by all volunteer and city policies and procedures set by Goosebump Marketing & Events.

Thanks for your volunteering, we couldn't do it without you!

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